The Association of Independent Welding Distributors (AIWD), established in 1999, is a buying group consisting of independent business owners from the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico, that operate approximately 350 individual store locations. Our Members make all major decisions on behalf of the group as a whole, with one fellow AIWD distributor from their region serving them on the Board of Directors. 

The AIWD proudly partners with approximately 100 suppliers within the welding and compressed gas industries.  Each supplier that joins the group must make a unique program presentation to our members at our annual convention and participate in our trade show, prior to officially being voted in by the membership to become an Approved Vendor.  This process assures our members that the suppliers chosen to service our companies come to us with the most exceptional price structure, rebate program and customer service possible. We provide  the greatest freedom & value to independently-owned industrial gas / welding supply distributors and CO2 beverage carbonation service companies possible.

Our Mission Statement:

AIWD helps the Independent Gas and Welding Distributor navigate our industry and achieve his/her performance goals by combining buying power, and by fostering mutually rewarding relationships among its members and with key industry supplier partners.

Our Vision:  To be the most sought-after buying cooperative in our industry by providing the best value to our members and supplier partners.

Membership: We currently have members in 48 states plus Puerto Rico, with approximately 350 member locations. 


AIWD Member's Map - 2024


last updated: 2024-11-13 23:26:29

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